Do we need to reaffirm and/or renegotiate the terms of the agreement?
Social contract: In exchange for the rights of evolutionary advancement (i.e., a better life and all that jazz) that come from joining our individual forces together into a unified unit called society, we give up some of the freedoms we might ordinarily enjoy as simple beasts in nature (e.g., pissing wherever we want, eating our young).
All of us signed on the dotted line when we chose to incarnate in these bodies during these times. Alas, the print is so fine, the terms are written in invisible ink and somehow we expect each other to read the same language we do, to interpret the purposely-ambiguous rules and regulations according to same letters of the law we find self-evident, though they're not. No matter which side we're on, when we disagree with the others' interpretations, we slur their viewpoints as 'ideological' or 'activist', as if ours aren't.
Society changes. The unspoken rules change. And still we must make it our responsibility no, a habit to figure out the always-changing balance of this bargain: the mind-bogglingly amazing lives we get to live (you are reading this on a glowing electronic box, receiving this transmission across a vast global network of swirling-and-rattling information) versus the restrictions we ought to willingly enforce upon ourselves in order to respectfully share space in ever-increasing population density.
Perhaps we, here in the realm of prosperity, often erringly lean to the side of enjoying the personal riches, while short-changing ourselves in the respectful-sharing part. We forget that it's a deal we made on the soul level: one for the other. The ongoing trine between Jupiter in Libra and Neptune in Aquarius fosters a compassionate environment in which to remind ourselves.
Jupiter-Neptune trine began bearing its subdued influence back in
the fall, hitting its first of three peaks in late November 04. At
that time, I let you know (and will reiterate now) that nothing
about the Jupiter-Neptune energy is insistent; rather, it's an understated
emphasis on the magical synergy that comes when people pay attention
to each other. A little conscious appreciation of the impact our behaviors
in public space have on our ability to be compassionate in relationships
goes a long long way. It's one of those moments where the spiritual
among us, who find reassuring signs in others' godliness when we bother
to slow down and look, will profit from what we see.
This week, as Jupiter and Neptune make an exact trine for the second time of three (the third peak comes in Aug 05), I say, let's address the cosmic appeal for a little more togetherness in small steps, so as not to get so carried away with overzealous idealistic stabs at righting all the social wrongs in one fail swoop. (Jupiter and Neptune in combination can easily lapse into exaggerated idealism.) Start with the seemingly insignificant stuff, in gestures that show others you're considering their experiences too, while you both madly dash toward your final destinations
When a stranger catches you staring, smile warmly instead of quickly pretending you're not looking
When you get that cell-phone call in a restaurant or store, politely excuse yourself and step outside
Put another dollar in the tip jar
Hold the door open
Rather than screaming and flipping off the 'feeble' driver holding up the traffic, think about whether he's lost, distraught, or just slower-reflexed than you
These are things we could all work more diligently at, myself included (especially that last driving item!). We may proclaim ourselves in line with all the spiritual empathy the universe can muster, but it falls apart when we take our impatient rage out on strangers in public spaces where we delude ourselves into imagining our fits don't adversely affect others during scenes in which our lack of control over outcomes frustrates us beyond containment. Most of us are guilty of these slight slippages, paying more mind to where we just were or where we're trying to get than what we're actually doing.
It's especially worthwhile to rally your patience this week, with an opposition between Mars and Saturn threatening to stymie the carrying-out of plans. Mars in Capricorn is usually a star player, bestowing an exemplary blend of energetic grit and calculating shrewdness in short, he generally grabs the winner's flag off any pole he sets his eye upon, no matter how high up or slippery the going. However, Saturn in Cancer is a formidable opponent, in that the obstacles to the free exercise of strategic will are of the emotional, intuitive or otherwise tenderly illogical nature. To mercilessly fight against a Saturn-in-Cancer impediment is to assert, 'I don't care about feelings, mine or yours I just want to get the job done.' But not only does such a battle leave a very badly-tasting residue in everybody's mouths, it also is no guarantee the originally desired results will be achieved anyhow. Plus, people can get hurt along the way.
With a Pisces New Moon on Thursday contributing another layer that subtly solicits our highest compassion, it's one of those moments when the harder you struggle, the more stuck you'll feel but the minute you let go in surrender to the forces greater than you, the quicker you might actually get somewhere (although where that is may not be where you intended to end up).
At this time, it's more important to enjoy the company of those along for the ride than to frantically ask the driver how many more stops or beg her to find an alternate route around the roadwork. It's no use. Just kick up your feet, and exchange companionship with friends and foreign faces alike. There's plenty more speeding-along up ahead, not far from now